Socio-cultural change in Northern Nigeria

How traditional leaders have been promoting socio-cultural change in Northern Nigeria

Despite recent improvements, health indices in northern Nigeria remain unacceptably poor. The delivery of quality health services faces a multitude of problems such as inadequate funding and infrastructure, but these are compounded by deep-seated sociocultural and traditional beliefs and practices that hinder both delivery and access to health services – especially in relation to maternal, reproductive and newborn health. MNCH2 is one of few programmes in Northern Nigeria working with traditional institutions on women’s and children’s health. Our community interventions have heavily leveraged the influence of traditional and religious leaders. This has fuelled community participation and volunteerism that have led to increases in the numbers of communities reached; the number of young women attending safe spaces; and the number of pregnant women transported to hospital. 

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pdf How traditional leaders have been promoting socio-cultural change in Northern Nigeria January 29, 2018 8:04 pm