MNCH2 supported the establishment of a State Logistics Management and Coordination Unit (LMCU) for the smooth delivery of drugs, medical consumables as well as equipment for quality service delivery at health facilities in Kano. Currently, MNCH2 supports LMCU with activities such as:
- Development of LMCU work plan
- Monthly meeting of LMCU.
- Quarterly stock status review meeting
- Support to build the capacity of the LMCU members from the state workforce.
- Formation, inauguration, and orientation of LGA LMCU Teams.
LMCU is mandated to coordinate and manage all logistics activities and data management at State, LGA and health facilities. The Secretariat of LMCU is located at the State Drugs and Medical Consumables Supply Agency (DMCSA). The establishment helps in promoting the supply chain of drugs and commodities for state and LGA level.